Girls in Justin Bieber’s music videos

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*NO COPYWRITE INFRAGMENT INTENDED* Okay first i wanna say sorry for the never let you go part. Its one that i recorded and its really bad quality. Anyway Kristen Leanne Rodeheaver= model/actress/singer. Her youtube username is kristenleanne so go check out her channel. Grace Wilson. Ah Grace. I love Grace. She is really cool. (she’s the only one personally know) She is working on becoming a singer and actress. Jasmine V. Jasmine is a professinal singer. And she is amazing. Check out her youtube account. And she is also done some acting. Paige Hurd is a actress. She was in Everybody hates Chris. She does NOT have a youtube so all paige’s on youtube r fake!! And Ashley Leanne is aparently an actress/singer/model. Anyway i Love Justin Bieber and i love getting comments so please comment rate and subscribe.
